Hello everyone! Welcome to my website! My name is Flynn Reed, I am a current graduate student and student athlete at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. While playing Women’s lacrosse and receiving a master’s in Educational Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (MEITE) I have learned why they call Chapel Hill the “Southern Part of Heaven.” These experiences have expanded upon my passion for teamwork, collaboration, and creativity. I have learned to apply skills that I gained while receiving a degree in Elementary Education, and apply it to different career tracks. I graduated from East Carolina University in May of 2023, therefore North Carolina holds a special place in my heart. After receiving my degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in science, I decided to go explore a possible new career path at UNC. I hope you take a moment to browse my website, since it explores my experience at UNC thus far.

My resume showcases a timeline of my involvement in academics, sports, and my professional background. It also highlights the skills and abilties I have acquired thru these endeavors. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about my resume or would like to hear more about me.
My participation within the MEITE program has not only helped me learn within a classroom setting, but provided me with real life job experiences. It has allowed me to expand my technology skills, opened my eyes to new careers and widened my perspective in the world of education. I have been lucky enough to be given the opportunity to intern for the Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) Department at UNC Chapel Hill. This has been a dream come true considering my interest in the sports world and my current involvement playing a sport as a TarHeel. I have been able to provide insight as a current student athlete looking to help the department support other student athletes within the NIL space. Name, Image and Likeness is a new space for NCAA student athletes and it has been incredible to see its expansion so far. Explore my portfolio to see more about my internship and how I have applied design thinking to challenges I have faced.
Thank you for learning a little bit about me and my journey at UNC! I look forward to seeing what the next semester holds for me and expanding upon this website! If you have any questions, comments or would like to collaborate feel free to contact me!